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Storycards analytics

Storycards analytics dashboard gives you all the information you need in order to understand the engagement level of your audience.

The statistics are divided by stories and by cards, so you can see the behavior of your users on each card, their choices, what is the Completion Rate of your story, and how many have sent leads. The time-on-page for a web page is a key indicator in selling media to your advertisers and with Storycards insights you can learn what is the average time that your users spent on an embedded story and how to improve it.

Real time insights
Storycards analytics dashboard updates in real time, so you can see how your story works and create changes to improve your engagement. Storycards analyzes the user data and generates recommendations for Editors to make improvements and increase engagement to reach their goals.
Integrate with Google Analytics
You can accumulate all the information and statistics from your story directly to your Google Analytics account by integrating your Google Analytics account.